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Organic Young Jackfruit in Brine

Organic Young Jackfruit in Brine

Jackfruit is a fascinating fruit. If it is of a size about 15-20 cm, it is called young jack (or green jackfruit). It is used as a vegetable and has a sour taste. The curry made of it is called ‘polos’ in Sri Lanka and is a bit sour too, but very nicely sour.

A trending product among the Vegan community due to its fibrous nature and meat-like feel.

Organic Young Jackfruit is now offered in Brine / Water – Cans, Jars & retort pouches

Cancer healer

Due its richness with anti-oxidants and phytonutrient properties, plus its content of Vitamin C, jackfruit can cure different types of cancer such as lung cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer.

Weight loss agent

As obesity rates are on the rise, jackfruit can help in weight loss because it’s free of fat and low in calories that enable dieters to safely and comfortably consume it and fully benefit from all its other nutrients.

Blood pressure reducer

With its high amount of potassium, jackfruit reduces and controls blood pressure which consequently lowers the chances of heart attacks, strokes, and cardio-disorder in general.

Digestion improver

Jackfruit contributes in improving the digestive system when eating it regularly due to its high content of fibers (3.6 g for every 100 g). It also protects the colon by removing carcinogenic chemicals out of the large intestine.

Diabetes friendly

Jackfruits are safely consumed by diabetics because it slowly absorbs sugar into the bloodstream which enables diabetic patients to safely consume it while getting all its health benefits.

Eye and skin maintainer

With its richness of vitamin A, jackfruit is good for maintaining healthy eye sight as it enhances eye vision and acts as a preventer against cataract and macular degeneration. It’s also regarded as an active anti-aging component for skin radiance.


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