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Organic Coconut Water

Organic Coconut Water

Sri Lanka is an Island abundant in coconut plantations, with crop available 365 days a year.

With state of the UHT manufacturing facilities, we are able to supply Organic Coconut Water in Aseptic Packs from 20kg bag in box to 200kg drums Additionally we have also launched Coconut Water in Cans.

Aids with post-workout recovery

Coconut water is abundant in several electrolytes including potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Electrolytes in coconut water can help to regulate fluid balance, prevent dehydration, and even ensure proper muscle function.

Reduces blood pressure and stroke risk

Just one cup of coconut water contains more potassium than a medium sized banana. Research suggests that potassium-rich diets can help support heart health by reducing blood pressure and even protecting against stroke.

Supports good digestion

Coconut water contains magnesium, a mineral that helps to keep things moving and prevent constipation.

Promotes healthy skin

Lack of proper hydration can lead to dry, tight, and even flaky skin. Drinking coconut water can contribute to your daily hydration needs which promotes circulation and radiant skin.

Great alternative to sugary beverages

Unlike sugar sweetened beverages, coconut water usually has little to no added sugar (in unflavored varieties). This makes it a great choice for diabetics or individuals looking to reduce their consumption of added sugar.

Helps in weight loss

Proper hydration is essential for nourishing every cell in the body and optimizing your metabolic rate. This simple swap from sodas or high sugar juices can help you cut back on calories over the course of the week.


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